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Sample Write-In TEMPLATES Included is this book:

Page 3: Lots of space to list the names, ages, disabilities if any, blood types, allergies, other health related concerns, special life supporting equipment if any, and life supporting medications for your family members, pets, and service animals. 

Page 5: Call - To - Action - List. If you don't do anything else in the book, as a minimum, do the items listed on Page 5 just for your own peace of mind that your family will be taken care of if you are gone.

Page 8: Identify the types of emergencies in your geographical location that you need or want to be prepared to manage with a good preparedness plan. 

Page 12:  White space to answer two very important questions: first, If you had to evacuate your home, where would you go, and second, if you had to shelter-in-place, do you know how to and do you have the supplies? 

Pages 16-20: You have a chance to think about and check-off the supplies you need to keep in your inventory to help you and your family survive the disasters you checked off on page 8.

Pages 25 and 26: You have plenty of space to write your plan if you lose critical services to your residence for 8 hours, 24 hours, and more than 48 hours. Examples of critical service may be as follows: electricity, water, sewer system, heating or air conditioning, natural gas, heating oil or other fuel sources, communications including cell phone services, Internet, radio, television, and land-lines (physical hard-wiring to your home)

Pages 28-35: Space to list medications, vitamins, supplements, over the counter medications, tobacco products, and alcohol for each person and pet you listed on page 3. 

Pages 36-66: Space to write down contact information for 175 critical contacts you may need to help you and your family handle pre and post disaster events. (Work, service companies, roofer, lawyers, funeral home, ministers, police, ambulance, Insurance agent, hospitals, utilities companies, hotlines,schools, and hundreds more.) Plus, space to record your websites, email addresses, Facebook and Twitter accounts, logins, passwords, phone numbers for family and friends, neighbors to the north, south, east, and west of your home, contact information, and much more. 

Pages 67- 84 Financial information and accounts, preparing, practicing, and performing security and protection for your residence and family inside your home, identifying and recording your assets, preparing, and dealing with fire and smoke in your home, and evacuation planning and floor plan sketching of two evacuation routes to get your family out safely and unharmed in the event of fire, smoke, and other toxic gases.  


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News Letters FEPP0001:                                           Ask The Coach
Coach, Do You Have a Book For That?
Coach the question is: How can I do everything possible to make sure my family is prepared for a family emergency or disaster? The world is a crazy place these days, Mother Nature causing havoc in every region of the country, drug additions out of control, and hate groups all over the country and world that want to kill us?

Family Emergency Preparedness Plan
Craziness didn't just begin, it has been around for hundreds of years, but it does seem to be getting a little worse as the years go by. With the Internet, social media, cable TV, emergency alert systems, satellites, drones, smart phones, tablets, federal and state governments emergency tracking and alarming systems and local TV and radio station monitoring with breaking news we now have more information than we sometimes know what to do with. On the other hand if we didn't have it just think about how much more destruction could occur and lives and property lost if not for our modern day communications and networks letting us know real-time what’s about to happen. 
We have the ability to rush to the aid of those poor souls that were in harm’s way or know to hunker down as danger approaches us to avoid injuries and even deaths. The problem is most people don't prepare until it’s usually too late and they have to accept what comes their way, and hope for the best. 
The most recent death of a music icon is a good example of what can happen to a family. Not only is his family dealing with the heartache of losing a loved one, they have now found out that he didn't take the few minutes it takes to create a last will and testament. No doubt there were personal things he owned (besides being worth a large fortune) he would have assumed would go to the people he wanted them to go to. What will likely happen is the legal system will end up stretching this out in court for years and the family will end up with maybe twenty percent of the assets this man work most of his life to obtained. This is just one example of not being prepared.  Ask yourself if you died tomorrow who will manage your assets and will they go to the people you wanted to have them or will the courts decide who gets your family heirlooms in a public auction on the courthouse steps. This simple process can be accomplished for as little as $20 and a couple of hours of your time.  I have listed literal hundreds of other simple to accomplish things in this workbook you will want to do to protect your family and your assets. 
 The purpose of this book is to provide you ample white space to write down the answers to the questions for each of the major emergency you plan to use the workbook to help you plan for. Then use the workbook as a training tool to make sure everybody knows what to do and when to do it. Once the book is ready, video or take pictures of each template and store in each cell phone so the information is with you and your family 24-7-365. Put the book in a safe and secure location and review a minimum of once a year or more often if something significant happens.
I have listed examples of many of the things included in this book in the column just under the photo. We have all said we needed to be better prepared to manage a crisis that could directly involve our family members. I have spent years studying and researching the important elements that should be included in an effective plan. It’s easy to use and fill out and the best part is that once you finish, you will have the plan you always wanted to create for your family.  
So yes I do have a book for that and it does more than answer the question we had to start this conversation.  

This workbook help you keep track of how far you have come and serves notice to others how far you plan to go. No one can afford to be without a good emergency preparedness and security plan that can get you through the darkness of most disasters and guide you to see the lights to recovery once it’s over.